With 2020 just finished I decided to go through the books I read throughout the year.

These are the ten books I read fully. Of this list, these three are my recommendations:
The chimp paradox
Although the style pop-science style of writing is not what I like, the content is excellent. The book is a good dive into how our brain works, how we can get the most out of it, and always being in the best mindset to achieve growth and objectives. A simple but powerful framework to look at challenges and opportunities.
A solid book about product management and product strategy. The book focuses on the different ways to segment the product portfolio and how to have an effective strategy that underpins your decision-making. It’s an excellent read for anyone interested in digital strategy.
The hard thing about hard things
Honestly, the first chapter put me off; I thought it was merely a Silicon Valley hero stereotypical story. The following chapters changed my mind, with a condensed set of recommendations on how to grow a startup. All the recommendations are honest and frank, covering most of the challenges encountered in scaling a business.
This the complete list:
- Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization? - Aaron Dignan
- Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value - Melissa Perri
- Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets - Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher Lochhead, Kevin Maney
- Skin in the Game: The Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Strategize: Product Strategy and Product Roadmap Practices for the Digital Age - Roman Pichler
- The AI Book: The Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Fintech Visionaries - Susanne Chishti
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers - Ben Horowitz
- The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness - Steve Peters
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts - Annie Duke
- Thinking in Systems: A Primer - Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright