Another year has gone by, and I’ve selected some books about Technology, Leadership, and Innovation:

- The 9 types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st Century Workplace - Beatrice Chestnut
- Powerful: Building a Culture OF Freedom and Responsibility - Patty McCord
- Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart - Shane Snow
- Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas - Mary Lynn Manns & Linda rising
- Tidy First? - Kent Beck
- Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster - David Farley
- The Async-First Playbook: Remote Collaboration Techniques for Agile Software Teams - Sumeet Gayathri Mogh
- Edge: Value-Driven Digital Transformation - Jim Highsmith, Linda Luu & David Robinson
- More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen - Mary Lynn Manns & Linda rising
My favourite:
Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility
This is one of the original books about Netflix. What struck me about that phase of Netflix is how deliberate they were in shaping and evolving the business. This book doesn’t shy away from the trade-offs they made, and it focuses significantly on the accountability piece. This book alone trumps half of the books out there on building high-performing organizations.